Cleanup on Org 13!
We've got a cleanup on Org 13! Lot of reports here... Spring is just around the corner and a great time to set up some "Spring Cleaning...

Lookup vs Master-Detail Checklist
Moving custom object data from a Lookup Relationship to a Master-Detail Relationship is no easy task. Having the ability to use Roll-Up...

Apex Decoder Ring
We all want to be Awesome Admins. But, for anyone that fell in love with Salesforce and has no programming experience...Apex can be...

Rollup Helper Saved My Bacon
If you fail the first time...fry,fry again! I welcome you to my Apex journey, now that I've been working on creating my first Salesforce...

Total Eclipse of the Heart
As part of my Post-Dreamforce wrap up, I've promised myself to FINALLY get Eclipse installed and running on my computer. Easy breezy,...

App X Chainz Performance at Awesome People Party
This was by far the most fun and nerve wracking event for me at Dreamforce this year. Picture me on the plane from North Carolina,...

Prepping for the Biggest.Conference. Ever.
So you've been given the green light to attend Dreamforce, now what? With only a few days left until the conference, the following tips...

Tell me how you really feel. New Chatter Emoji!
New Emoji add-on for Chrome and Firefox (link posted in Charlotte Community Group or keyword search ‘emoji’ to find the original post) In...

There's an App for that! Salesforce1 Mobile
And we all thought the Today feature on SF1 mobile was the coolest thing we've seen since they opened up the App to include Custom...